Originally built in the 1960s, the school’s lower block has been exposed to almost fifty years of weather and environmental conditions. And despite the concrete-decked felt roof being recovered twenty years ago, it was beginning to show significant deterioration which was causing heat loss, water ingress, ponding and moss build up.
Uninsulated and in desperate need of replacement, a new roofing system was required that would meet both building regulations and the requirements of 1900+ pupils and staff. Part-funded by East Riding of Yorkshire Council and project managed by its Infrastructure & Facilities Department’s senior building surveyor, Martin Milner, the project saw BriggsAmasco appointed to install Sarnafil’s G410 15EL Light Grey membrane.
Following the installation of a cut-to-falls insulation system, the final part of the hot air fully adhered system was the application of 1,000m2 of the Sarnafil single ply membrane. With a high level of detailing required around pipe outlets and parapet junctions, the single ply membrane proved ideal with its quick and simple application. Requiring no hot works, it also ensured there was minimal disruption to the school whilst the project was completed.
The new roofing system now provides the school and its occupants with outstanding resistance to weathering and excellent flexibility. Independently assessed and certified by the British Board of Agrément to have a life expectancy in excess of 40 years, the Sarnafil application by BriggsAmasco will continue to deliver outstanding performance for years to come.