The UK’s leading national commercial roofing company, BriggsAmasco has developed an app which enables instantaneous processing of on-site reports.
The function means issues relating to health and safety or potential impediments to a project’s progress can be recorded and addressed far more rapidly.
The mobile app, which was developed in conjunction with a leading software company, is accessed via tablets which have been distributed to all BriggsAmasco on-site staff.
Dave Maginnis, Managing Director at BriggsAmasco, said: “The app has proved itself an incredibly useful tool. Compared to written reports, which can take two or three days to complete following a site visit, this new process is instantaneous. As long as there’s a WI-FI signal, reports can be digitally signed-off and sent without delay. These can then be circulated internally, or externally to customers.”
Dave said the ability to include photographs as part of the digital reporting package will help speed-up response times to on-site issues and offset potential project delays.
“Featuring pictures as part of a progress report enables potentially problematic situations to be easily referenced off site,” he said. “These can then be addressed quickly and effectively. Additionally, photos can clearly highlight how well a particular detail is progressing, thus providing real clarity for a contractor or client about a project’s current position.”
The on-site reporting app’s evolution will soon enable videos to be uploaded and distributed amongst interested parties. Dave said such innovation will lead to smarter working practices.
“With the addition of video capability, we’re thinking as more companies take on board the app idea; it will be seen as a far more convenient way to carry-out reports. This could lead to a reduction in site visits by other interested parties involved in a project, as all the information they need regarding its progress will be available at the touch of a button. This will help promote a more productive way of working, as well as enhance a project’s sustainable credentials.”
“The app keeps BriggsAmasco ahead of the competition,” Dave continued.
“It’s been particularly well received by contractors we’ve been involved with on projects. For instance, a main contractor on one scheme we were working on called a meeting with the other trades and told them our digital reports were the type of information they wanted to see. ‘Please use this as your template’, they told them. It was a fantastic compliment, and precisely the sort of response we anticipated when we began researching the app’s capability more than two years ago.”